Relish Smashes through Half a Million Books
Relish Publications is celebrating a milestone as we reach the end of 2016. The UK’s leading

publisher of fine dining guides and regional recipe books has now produced 500,000 copies of its award winning series ‘Relish’.
Managing publisher, Duncan Peters commented on the success of the series: ‘When we started out we felt we had a good format and approach for the market, and the book series has gone from strength to strength over the years, with many regions now on their third edition of the book.’
‘From the Highlands of Scotland to the very tip of Cornwall, we have featured many of the greatest chefs this country has even produced, with over 1,500 restaurants how having featured in our books.'
'The half a million milestone for any publisher would be a cause to take stock and reflect on the achievement. Everyone at Relish is immensely proud to have had such a hugely successful series of books, and delighted to have shared the series with so many outstanding restaurants.’